Our Service Policy

Our Service Policy

General Working Principles

MCBU Hafsa Sultan Hospital is a family with a team spirit, not an individual, where the principle of eliminating mistakes, not those who make mistakes, is adopted, love and respect are glorified.


MCBU Hafsa Sultan Hospital is determined to uphold the Holistic Quality Management philosophy. In this context, "Patient Satisfaction" is our indispensable service principle.


MCBU Hafsa Sultan Hospital does not have commercial concerns in relations with its patients, does not establish mechanisms by which the patient will make unnecessary payments, and therefore no employee is rewarded.


MCBU Hafsa Sultan Hospital does not discriminate between its patients in terms of religion, language, race, nationality or gender. No emergency patient is turned down. No patient is treated differently. All patients are informed about cost and risk. Surgical intervention is not performed except for medical requirements. Deontology rules apply in all units.


The most valuable equity of MCBU Hafsa Sultan Hospital is its employees. MCBU Hafsa Sultan Hospital believes that real healthcare can be provided at the point where "Unconditional Patient Satisfaction" meets "Absolute Employee Satisfaction".


All employees take it as their duty to inform their patients and their relatives patiently, understandably and politely at every stage, by giving modern healthcare services within the framework of humanitarian and scientific principles, with a smile, interest, love, affection and respect.


This task is expressed as ensuring the scientific level and traditional hospitality at the highest level without breaking the contemporary line, and it is the responsibility of every MCBU Hafsa Sultan Hospital employee.


The service concept of MCBU Hafsa Sultan Hospital is in pursuit of excellence at every stage, starting from the period before the patient reaches our institution, and including the period after the hospital.


At MCBU Hafsa Sultan Hospital, everyone loves their job and each other, and shares both success and responsibility in failure. Except for matters that require expertise, nobody says, "This is none of my business, it's not my job." does not say and, when necessary, does its best to ensure that the service continues without interruption, regardless of its status and function.


Education is one of the main assurances that the association of MCBU Hafsa Sultan Hospital will continue forever. MCBU Hafsa Sultan Hospital, with the belief that investment in people will turn into quality in service, constantly supports education and puts forth activities that will strengthen unity and solidarity within the framework of possible conditions. It knows that its employees have to get better every day within the framework of the Holistic Quality Approach.



MCBU Hafsa Sultan Hospital carries out research and scientific activities with the awareness of its responsibility for the protection of public health and supports those who do.